Sunday, February 28, 2010

Shutter Island Could Have Been the Best Movie Ever


I love movies.  Seriously, I freaking enjoy the crap out of them.  When I saw that Martin Scorsese would be directing the new blockbuster Shutter Island and that Leonardo DiCaprio would be playing the leading man, I was a little super excited.  The trailer (which involved the creepiest balding woman I've ever seen shushing the camera...*shiver*) had me sold eveb before the MPAA general audiences warning had finished.  Recently though, a complete lack of free time has prevented me from making a trip to the theatre.  On the plus side, I figure it'll be less crowded after the initial throngs of viewers die down.  Anyway, my good friend (whom we will refer to as the Harbinger of Sadness) had seen the movie already and was telling me about how ridiculously awesome it was.  Her descriptions of "insane plot twists" and "@#%!ing crazy !@^&" just made me want to see Shutter Island even more.  Oh Harbinger of just had to rain on my parade.

By dropping a big old...


Seriously?  You couldn't wait to talk about the ending until AFTER I'd seen the movie?  Did you see my face melt when you shared the news?  I know that you didn't mean it.  After all, you merely wanted me to join in on your excitement regarding the extremely complex plot of a really great movie...that I hadn't seen yet.  I just want you to know, oh Harbinger of Sadness, that when I finally do get to see Shutter Island, I'll be thinking of you.  After all, my mind will be free to wander about the theatre; there will be no piecing together clues or solving the mystery for myself because I already know...


So let this be a lesson to us all:
When discussing a touchy topic such as...I don't know...the ending too a movie that I kind of desperately want to see, wait until I'm out of earshot folks.

And tell me, have you ever been a spoiler bomber?

Later guys!


  1. Cam, I may kill you, i re4ally wanted to see that movie. oh well, you appear to have saved me $20 woohoo!

  2. Hahaha you're a funny kid. While I feel your immense pain at a movie being spoiled...can I just say that I correctly guessed the ending of the movie? When I saw the trailer, I was like...this is going to be like the Sixth Sense. And he thinks he's investigating crazy people but HE is the crazy one! And now thanks to your spoiler I can rest easy.

  3. Ok I didn't know how to put my name in my comment but now I do. So that last one was me.

  4. Dude, it is one of the worst things in the WORLD when someone ruins the ending of a movie. I too see myself as a cinematic enthusiast, and I totally sympathize with you on this one.
